Paying your Rent 

Your rent is due to be paid in advance of the 28th of each month, unless otherwise agreed with the Association. The Association offers a variety of methods in which tenants can use to pay their rent, these include payments by:

  • Direct Debit – Call us on 0141 422 1112.  

  • Debit/Credit card – Call us on 0141 422 1112.  

  • AllPay Card - You can use this at any shop that displays the PayPoint symbol, at any post office or online at

  • Cash/Cheque - If you wish you can pay your rent by cash or cheque at the Head Office at 135 Fifty Pitches Road. Cheques can also be posted to our Head Office.

  • Standing Order/Online payment – You can do this by contacting your bank or through online banking.  Our bank details are: Sort Code: 80-07-67 & Account Number: 00781683.  You need to use your 7 digit tenancy reference for this so we know who it is for – this is on rent statements and letters or call 0141 422 1112 and we can give you this.  

  • Housing benefit - If you receive Housing Benefit then this can be paid directly to Southside Housing Association.

  • Universal Credit - If you receive Universal Credit then you MUST pay your monthly rent directly to Southside Housing Association. You can also request that Universal Credit pay your rent directly to us using your online journal.  If you are in arrears we can apply to have the housing element of your Universal Credit paid directly to us. Please contact the Income Maximisation Team if you have been advised that you may or will be transferred onto direct Universal Credit payments.

Paying your Rent – Mid-Market Rent Tenants

  • Debit/Credit card – Call us on 0141 422 1112.  

  • Cash/Cheque - If you wish you can pay your rent by cash or cheque at the Head Office at 135 Fifty Pitches Road. Cheques can also be posted to our Head Office.

    Standing Order/Online payment – You can do this by contacting your bank or through online banking.  Our bank details are: Sort Code: 80-07-67 & Account Number: 06003932.  You need to use your 7 digit tenancy reference for this so we know who it is for – this is on rent statements and letters or call 0141 422 1112 and we can give you this.  

  • Housing benefit and Universal Credit - If you make a claim for either of these benefits it is important you name your landlord as Southside Factoring and Related Services.  You will receive the benefit payments and will need to then pay this using the methods above.  If you are in arrears we can apply for benefits to be paid directly to us.  
